Events: Eden Park Paris Launches in Singapore

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Eden Park Paris launched at Takashimaya and we provided our Events Photography services for the occasion.

Franck Mesnel, France rugby star and founder of Eden Park was there to commemorate the occasion as well as mingle with the media and fans.

Inoke Afeaki, a Tongan rugby star who is currently the Technical Director at the Singapore Rugby Union also graced the event to promote the launch.

Click Here! for the Mannequin Challenge that happened at the event!

Here are some of the photos of the event.

eden park paris launch singapore, events, events photography, flashpixs,

Inoke Afeaki, singapore, eden park paris, singapore, launch, takashimaya

eden park paris launch singapore, events, events photography, flashpixs,

eden park paris launch singapore, events, events photography, flashpixs,

eden park paris launch singapore, events, events photography, flashpixs,

eden park paris launch singapore, events, events photography, flashpixs,

eden park paris launch singapore, events, events photography, flashpixs,

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